
Tips to Declutter Your Closet

By LaShanda Millner-Murphy Do you open your closet door every morning only ask the same question, “What am I going to wear today?” If your answer is to give little or no thought on how to change the outfit you wear regularly then your wardrobe ritual or lack of one occurs for one of two reasons: You have many optional pieces of clothing, but the pieces are not capable of being used in various ways; or The few pieces dangling on the hanger are not functioning together.…
2016 March/April

Apparel Designed for Fashionable, Active Women

By Tonya Jameson When most people think of fashion design, New York and Parisian runways come to mind. Talibah Dawan imagines Serena Williams diving for a tennis ball. Dawan’s fashion world is sweaty, active and cute. Dawan owns Charlotte-based Cotton Locks Inc.…

5 Tips to Get Your Finances Back on Track

By Marsha Barnes We all have moments when our budgets suddenly take a nosedive, our movement towards our debt goals are a bit unbalanced, and our credit score just took a hit. Yikes! How do we dust ourselves off and hop back on the saddle towards gaining financial bliss.…