How to Control Your Impulse

Eddie D. Love is an author, speaker and life coach.

By Eddie Love

Whether you learned to drive a car in driver’s education or your parent’s old car, you may have learned this lesson. The instructor might have told you to keep both hands on the steering wheel at 10 and two. Of course it’s easy to understand why a new driver would be given these instructions, right? Your physical body is much like a vehicle and the mind can be compared to hands for this example. The mind controls how you react and what you do in any given situation and it’s important to control your emotions in a tough situation. Never allow people to dictate how you react to a situation. When this happens you relinquish control of your mind. You have given the other person power over you, which probably won’t lead to a positive outcome for you. Here are three ways to control your impulse in a negative situation.


When faced with a difficult situation, it’s mandatory for you to take at least 10 seconds to breathe and clear your head. Breathing is especially important because it also provides your body with oxygen, which helps promote brain function and blood flow.


Take time to acknowledge the reason that you’re upset. This allows your mind to gather all the facts before categorizing this situation on a personal scale of importance. It also allows you to tap into your subconscious mind which is where all the good stuff is hidden.


The last step in controlling your impulse is the most important step in the entire process. In order to effectively take control of your mind during a negative or difficult situation, ask yourself, “How do I move forward?” Asking yourself this question allows you to remain solution driven which will benefit you the most.

When you take control of your mind and avoid reacting on impulse you are potentially enhancing your overall mental and physical health. Don’t spend much time focusing on problems, instead focus on solutions. As the old saying goes, “Look past the trees to see the forest”!