Redesign Your Life

By Elizabeth Colen

Elizabeth Colen
Elizabeth Colen

We all have priorities in our lives, things that are regarded as more important than others like work, kids and bills. Our priorities shape our lives in a positive and or negative way. Are you willing to redesign, some of your priorities for what you want? Here are three priorities that we can change to redesign our lives in a positive way.

  1. Sleep – Sleep is a priority, more or less depending on the person. I’m sure we have heard “I want to work out, but I don’t have time after work. I have to get my kids, run errands and make dinner, etc.”   Why not workout in the morning? If you really want to work out and live a healthier lifestyle you have to be willing to make a change. You can get up 40 minutes earlier to do 30 minutes of cardio. Change your priority, change your life.
  1. Family time – Let’s face it, we work hard for the money! We are consistently checking our emails, answering the phone when client’s call, (even if you are at dinner with your family), searching the web for news that is relevant to your work or content for your meeting. Whatever it is you are doing, you are more connected to that phone than the people who are actually around you. We know that work is a priority and yeah without money, the lights won’t be on, or food in the fridge, clothes on our backs and a roof over our heads. Yep, we get all that and I am sure your family really appreciates all that you do for them. But, does your work have to be priority 18 of the 24 hours a day? If you want your family time to be a priority as well, you have to redesign your priorities to change your life. Now, I am not saying quit your job, I am saying manage your time. Example, if you have a 9 to 5 job you clock out, get home and decompress for an hour or so then spend quality time with your loved ones. However, if you are an entrepreneur it is not that simple, but it can be done. You have to set boundaries and stick to them, your clients will understand and fall in step. Example, set a time that you will not answer the phone, return emails or search the web. I know this is tough but you do want to have a relationship with your family, right? Say 8pm to 10pm is family time to just eat, drink, play a game or just cuddle up on the couch and watch a television show/movie. You will be surprised at how your family will react to that. They will feel special and that they are a priority in your life as well. You are in control of your time, time is precious and so is your family, change your priorities, change your life.
  1. Money – Money makes the world go round. We all have heard all kinds of excuses based on the fact we don’t have the money. For instance, “I really want to get into shape but I can’t afford a gym membership” “I really want to eat better but healthy food is too expensive” or “I want to take a vacation but I can’t afford it.” We can afford anything we really want. If you really want to get a gym membership, you may have to stop going to Starbucks every day. If you really want to eat better, you can save money by not going out to eat every day for lunch. If you really want to take that vacation, you can save money by not getting your hair done every week or hold off on getting that new pair of shoes or that must have purse. Take the money you saved to get that gym membership, get healthy groceries and take that vacation. Change your priorities change your life.

Get more info about Elizabeth Colen, Confidence and Conditioning Coach on Fit Mind, Fit Body and Fit Soul