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Dad’s Hunting Sparks Medical Career

By Dr. Paula Newsome My dad was an avid hunter, but he would not take me hunting because I was a girl. Our bonding time involved me helping him clean his catch. While we eviscerated squirrels and rabbits, I became fascinated with cleaning the animals and learning the parts of the animals.…
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Authentic Ethnic Cuisine in Unexpected Places

By Jimese Orange Photo courtesy of Doan’s. Few things allow you to experience a culture the way food does. In a bite, you can taste layers of history and influences. The access that Charlotte’s diverse multicultural community gives to authentic ethnic cuisine from all over the world is a gift.…
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Honey Chile! The Life of a Black Beekeeper

By Edward Henderson Photos by London Becoats For many people, hearing the sound of buzzing bees in the distance evokes a fear rooted in adolescent encounters – no one wants to get stung. However, beekeeper Richard Gillespie of J&R Farms welcomes the symphony with a passion that’s fueled his second career for the past five years.…
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Football vs. Finances

By Rashad Phillips It’s football season. Visit a local barbershop or sports bar and you will find African-American men engaged in serious football related dialogue. These in-depth conversations cover ideal offensive strategy, defensive weaknesses, flawed general management decisions and executing in the red zone.…