How to Create a Vision Board 101

By Elizabeth Colen

Elizabeth Colen
Elizabeth Colen

Our mind is a powerful tool that works for us in many ways.   Many successful people from the POTUS, CEO’s, airline pilots and even our most honored athletes competing in the Olympics have learned the skill of visualization. To say they learned it, is an understatement, they have mastered it! I’m going to share with you an activity you can do to get your powerful tool engaged. Let’s start with something simple, make a vision board. Simple right? For those of you who don’t know what a vision board is, let me explain. A vision board is what you create by placing all the things you desire onto a poster board where you can visually see your dreams.   You will need a few supplies to get your vision board started. Most of these supplies you may already have.

–           Poster board

–           A stack of different types of magazines ~ Personal Photos ~ Images from the internet

–           Glue/Glue stick. (Now if you are really crafty you can get really fancy with it and use glitter, markers, ribbons, etc.)

Suggestions to get you started:

–           Set aside about an hour to complete your vision board.

–           Create a relaxing atmosphere.

–           Sit quietly and set the intent. Ask yourself: What it is you want? What is the life you want to live?

–           Cut out images that represent the life you envision.

–           Place the photo of yourself in the middle of the board or your most sought after goal.

Once you have all your material arranged on the board the way you like it, glue. Take a picture of your vision board and use as your screen saver, place it somewhere you can see it daily.

Get more info about Elizabeth Colen, Confidence and Conditioning Coach on Fit Mind, Body and Soul