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5 Stress Reducing Truths About Money

By Marsha H. Barnes “Money is numbers and numbers never end. If it takes money to be happy, your search for happiness will never end.” -Bob Marley Stress about money and finances continue to plague many individuals. In a survey conducted by the American Psychological Association, it was noted that 72 percent of Americans reported feeling stressed about money. …

The Rundown: Things to Do Thursday, June 23- Sunday, June 26

By Shawn Allison Yo, what’s happenin’ my Queen City Brothers & Sisters? Summer is finally here! Here’s your list Weekend Rundown full of fun, fantastic and funky activities to kick off your Solstice season in style! Thursday Highlights •  “Intro to 3D Print & Design” at 1 p.m.…

Stop – Clear Your Mind

By Elizabeth Colen When you were you a little kid, have you ever gotten lost in the store or park and your parents would find you all in a panic, crying, shaking and totally out of control? Do you remember the words they would say to you, as they wipe away the tears from your face?…

The Rundown: Things to do Thursday, June 9 -Sunday, June 12th

By Shawn Allison What’s happenin’ my Queen City Brothers & Sisters? School is out, the weather is beautiful this weekend and there are tons of colorful, enriching and festive activities for everyone to get into! From theatre, to jazz, to workshops, to art showcases, these ‘skreets’ are poppin’ this weekend!…

Golf Event Brings Awareness to Domestic Violence

By Iris Hunter Domestic violence has become more and more prevalent throughout various communities and millions of lives have been forever changed due to this devastating epidemic. William Wilson, CEO of William Wilson Clothing, took a stand against domestic violence by starting The William Wilson Foundation, a charitable organization that assists victims and/or their children of domestic violence.…

Athleisure wear: How To Wear It Well

By LaShanda Millner-Murphy Activewear has changed its name to athleisure wear and has created a buzz outside the gym. Athleisure wear is accepted by many as a wearable style on the weekends for parties and on the go. Some designers have even added add Athleisure wear to their fashion lines.…
2016 May/June Issue

For Bank of America’s D. Steve Boland, Relocating to Charlotte is a Lot Like Coming Home

Now that Boland, managing director of consumer lending, is moving to Charlotte, we wanted to reach out and welcome this distinguished, committed African-American leader and his family to the Queen City. We recently spoke to Steve and wanted our readers to get to know more about this successful new member of our community.   Q: A few years ago, you were recognized by Black Enterprise magazine as one of the “75 Most Influential African Americans on Wall Street.”…
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The Rundown: Things to do Thursday, May 26- Monday, May 30

By Shawn Allison What’s happening Queen City family?   I’m back one mo’ gin’ with The Weekend Rundown and there’s quite a bit going on. Also, since this is the Memorial Day weekend, I’ve found a few cool and relaxing events for you to enjoy on Memorial Day Monday as well!…

The Rundown: Things to do Thursday, June 2 – Sunday, June 5

By Shawn Allison Yo! What’s going on Queen City? It is time once again for some dope events lined up to compliment this dope weather we have scheduled. So without any further hesitation, let’s just hop right into the mix! THURSDAY, June 2 Prepare your taste buds for The Art Institute of Charlotte’s  “Creative Concepts Tasting Event.”…

4 Strategies to Boost Your Confidence

By Elizabeth Colen Recently I attended a networking event called, “LipStick Mania Business Social” and the topic was about image. I was expecting the regular spiels about hair, make up, and clothes. To my surprise the speaker, Marjory Brifil spoke of inner image which I am all about.…