2018 September/October

Math Tutoring with Heart

By Eren Simpson   A Charlotte nonprofit is helping to bolster area math scores 30 minutes at a time, with a whole lot of heart and help from volunteer tutors. Heart Math Tutoring was built from a partnership between Social Venture Partners (SVP) Charlotte, Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools and Communities in Schools, after identifying a need for willing volunteers to help struggling students after rigorous testing standards were introduced in 2013.…


WHEN: SATURDAY, SEP 15, 2018 (celebrating the Mint’s Grand Re-Opening and Latin American Heritage Month) 7:00PM – 11:30PM WHERE: Mint Museum Uptown at Levine Center for the Arts, 500 South Tryon Street COST: ADMISSION: $13 / $9.75 MINT MEMBERS; $1 OFF General Admission before 9 PM Mint to Move Cultural Dance Night began at Mint Museum Uptown in 2012 to reflect the region’s diverse and inclusive commUNITY through music, dancing, visual art, and cultural appreciation.…

Diversity Paves the Way in Local Leadership

By Angela Lindsay The current leadership slate in Charlotte is likely the most diverse it has ever been, with minorities and women holding prominent positions, from the mayor to the district attorney to the fire chief to the chief of police and sheriff, as well as the city planner, school board chair, transportation CEO and the chair of the board of county commissioners.…

Are Bugs Bugging You?

  By Carli Abram The dog days of summer are in full effect, and so are the mosquitoes which will continue through the fall.   It’s difficult to imagine what good can come from cohabitating with these annoying pests. They are, however, an essential player in the ecosystem and deserve a level of respect.…