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5 Things To Remember When Buying A Home

By Marsha Barnes We all have many things in life that are our first. First day of school, college, first love, or our first or even second home. There’s typically tons of research that goes into planning major milestones and I’ll say that buying a home is pretty huge.…
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7 Steps To Boost Your Credit Score

By Marsha Barnes I can’t recall a single time in any of my finance dealings or client relations that the topic of credit reports hasn’t come up. How important is that magic number? EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. While this is another task to add to our personal finance plans, we cannot neglect to study it, research how we can make ours better, and understand the impact of the nuts and bolts within it.…
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2016 March/April

One Hard Lesson

In my 20s, buying Coach handbags, Nine West shoes and Bulova watches made me happy. I had to be the first woman in my crew with the latest trend. When I was happy, I shopped. When I wasn’t happy, I shopped.…
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Football vs. Finances

By Rashad Phillips It’s football season. Visit a local barbershop or sports bar and you will find African-American men engaged in serious football related dialogue. These in-depth conversations cover ideal offensive strategy, defensive weaknesses, flawed general management decisions and executing in the red zone.…