
The Rundown: Things to do Thursday, April 28 – Sunday, May 1

By Shawn Allison Hey Queen City!  This weekend is scheduled to have some absolutely GREAT weather.  And what goes with great weather?  A LOT OF GREAT EVENTS.  So everyone get ready for The Weekend Rundown of get-downs around Crown Town.   THURSDAY, April 28 Brothers & Sisters, where will you connect with your next customer or client, vendor or partner? …
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7 Things You Can Do to Improve Your Life

By Elizabeth Colen Ever thought of improving your life? Sure, you have. We all have and many of us talk ourselves out of it because we think it has to be all consuming, a total life transformation.   We tend to get overwhelmed and never move forward.…
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5 Things To Remember When Buying A Home

By Marsha Barnes We all have many things in life that are our first. First day of school, college, first love, or our first or even second home. There’s typically tons of research that goes into planning major milestones and I’ll say that buying a home is pretty huge.…
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The Rundown: Things to Do April 21 – 24

Peace, Queen City Brothers & Sisters!  I’ve got another fun weekend for you filled with lots of music, art, delicious eats and other special treats!  The weather is scheduled to be terrific this weekend, so I want EVERYONE to get out and enjoy themselves! …
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Pamper Yourself: Tips for Glowing Skin

By Lori Watkins Did you know our bodies shed skin everyday? How beautiful and amazing is that! But like everything else our body needs a little help. Pampering your skin weekly will help bring it to life. Here are a few home remedies that I love because you see results quickly.…
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Are You A Food Addict?

By Elizabeth Colen When you hear that a person is an addict, you might think of a toothless, scratching, shivering, hunched over person that makes you want to cross the street when you see them. I am a food addict and no one would picture my face when we talk about food addiction.…
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Join PEEP for Small Business Week Fair, May 5th

  PEEP invites small business owners to participate on Thursday, May 5th in our annual Small Business Week Fair at Phillip O. Berry Academy, coinciding with National Small Business Week. Be a part of our small business panel and/or set up a booth!…
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Chew On This: How to Chew Properly

By Mr. Health and Wellness Does anyone ever pay attention to how much food they actually put into their mouths during the eating process? Though the number of chews may vary depending on the type of food, as we unconsciously devour, we cause added stress to our digestive systems.…
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Dress Your Best with Spring/Summer Colors

  By LaShanda Millner-Murphy There’s nothing like the joy of spring and warm summer weather to put you in the mood to put away the muted color tights, coats and scarves and move in the brighter colors and lighter weight fabrics.…