
5 Tips To Get Happy

By Elizabeth Colen When we’re busy and sometimes too busy for ourselves, we must remember the pursuit of happiness. With that being said, we tend to focus on our goals, we put our heads down and hit that daily grind, day after day and we lose sight of our state of happiness.…
2016 September/October

The Myths about Mental Illness

By Shavonda Bean  Extreme violence has become all too common in America. We are often inundated with news, graphic images and details of mass shootings, terrorism and the very personal and frequent violence that occurs in domestic situations.  In the process of making sense of tragedy, the question of mental illness is often introduced into the conversation.…

Are you having trouble controlling the way you eat?

Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous (FA) is a free Twelve Step recovery program for anyone suffering from food obsession, overeating, under-eating or bulimia. For more information or a list of meetings throughout the U.S. and the world, call 781-932-6300, or visit: www.foodaddicts.org.…

Take advantage of $15k down payment assistance

By Quila Bryant There is good news for the Charlotte area real estate market. Mecklenburg county has been selected by U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Hardest Hit Fund®, as one of the five North Carolina counties to receive state down payment assistance funds.…

8 Tips to Transition into your Fall Wardrobe

By Lashanda Millner-Murphy Sunny skies, sandy beaches, sunscreen, swimsuits and shorts may be put to rest for 2016, but let me put some sunshine back in your life by sharing these transitional wardrobe tips that will have you loving fall wardrobe this season.…
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How to Control Your Impulse

By Eddie Love Whether you learned to drive a car in driver’s education or your parent’s old car, you may have learned this lesson. The instructor might have told you to keep both hands on the steering wheel at 10 and two.…