2020 March/April

Black Hair and Exercising

Hi, ladies. I read with interest an online article in Blackdoctor.org with the following title: “Black Women Aren’t Exercising?!” I chuckled when I read the following quote from the article: “I want to become more active, but I just don’t know about all that sweating!…

Pandemic! What to Do?

By Robin Fonsha We are in the midst of a very tumultuous time. In our lifetime, we’ve not seen or experienced anything like the spread of this Coronavirus. It’s no wonder we are not sure what to do! Well, the first thing to NOT do is panic or overreact.…
2020 March/April

Green Is the New Black

City of Charlotte Solid Waste Services   Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. fought for civil rights for all American people. He believed that everyone should have equal rights. As a result of Dr. King’s passion and perseverance, the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and 1968 were signed into law.…
2020 March/April

Cheslie Kryst Sets an Example

By Hope Yancey Photo courtesy of “The Miss Universe Organization.” Cheslie Kryst was born in Jackson, Mich., moved to Charlotte at about age 4, then South Carolina as a teenager. She graduated from high school and college in South Carolina, before earning law and MBA degrees at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem and returning to Charlotte to practice law.…