
The Rundown: Things to do Thursday, June 9 -Sunday, June 12th

By Shawn Allison What’s happenin’ my Queen City Brothers & Sisters? School is out, the weather is beautiful this weekend and there are tons of colorful, enriching and festive activities for everyone to get into! From theatre, to jazz, to workshops, to art showcases, these ‘skreets’ are poppin’ this weekend!…
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The Rundown: Things to do Thursday, May 26- Monday, May 30

By Shawn Allison What’s happening Queen City family?   I’m back one mo’ gin’ with The Weekend Rundown and there’s quite a bit going on. Also, since this is the Memorial Day weekend, I’ve found a few cool and relaxing events for you to enjoy on Memorial Day Monday as well!…

The Rundown: Things to do Thursday, June 2 – Sunday, June 5

By Shawn Allison Yo! What’s going on Queen City? It is time once again for some dope events lined up to compliment this dope weather we have scheduled. So without any further hesitation, let’s just hop right into the mix! THURSDAY, June 2 Prepare your taste buds for The Art Institute of Charlotte’s  “Creative Concepts Tasting Event.”…
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The Rundown: Things to do Friday, May 6 – Sunday, May 8

FRIDAY, May 6 If you all are in the traveling mood and want to get out of Charlotte for the weekend, take I-85 N up to Durham for the weekend-long “Art of Cool Festival 2016!”  The Art of Cool Festival (AOCFEST) is a progressive jazz and alternative soul music festival located in downtown Durham.…

The Rundown: Things to do Thursday, May 19 -Sunday, May 22

By Shawn Allison Peace & love Queen City Brothers & Sisters!  Once again, it’s time for your Weekend Rundown provided by yours truly, The Black Ferris Bueller!  Now it is scheduled to rain most of the weekend but do not let that hinder you from stepping outside the house to engage and enjoy some of the great treats lined up for this weekend.…

The Rundown: Things to do Thursday, April 28 – Sunday, May 1

By Shawn Allison Hey Queen City!  This weekend is scheduled to have some absolutely GREAT weather.  And what goes with great weather?  A LOT OF GREAT EVENTS.  So everyone get ready for The Weekend Rundown of get-downs around Crown Town.   THURSDAY, April 28 Brothers & Sisters, where will you connect with your next customer or client, vendor or partner? …
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The Rundown: Things to Do April 21 – 24

Peace, Queen City Brothers & Sisters!  I’ve got another fun weekend for you filled with lots of music, art, delicious eats and other special treats!  The weather is scheduled to be terrific this weekend, so I want EVERYONE to get out and enjoy themselves! …
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Join PEEP for Small Business Week Fair, May 5th

  PEEP invites small business owners to participate on Thursday, May 5th in our annual Small Business Week Fair at Phillip O. Berry Academy, coinciding with National Small Business Week. Be a part of our small business panel and/or set up a booth!…