Featured Story

Whitfield Lovell’s Passages Exhibit: Hidden Stories and Cultural Memories

Whitfield Lovell’s Passages Exhibit: Hidden Stories and Cultural Memories By John Burton Jr. “Any work of art must first of all tell a story.” This quote by Robert Frost epitomizes famed contemporary artist Whitfield Lovell. Recognized as one of the world’s leading artistic interpreters of lost African American history, his artistry is based on found images of African American people from African Americans who lived during the Emancipation Proclamation through the Civil Rights Movement.…
Charlotte Multicultural Resource Magazine

Addressing the Body, Mind and Spirit with Traditional Chinese Medicine

Addressing the Body, Mind and Spirit with Traditional Chinese Medicine By Sonja Whitemon Approximately 64 percent of adults have experienced some type of childhood trauma, which can have lifelong health effects, according to the CDC.  In fact, the CDC reports that Americans who have experienced adverse childhood experiences are at higher risk of dying from five of the top 10 leading causes of death with heart disease and cancer consistently leading the list.…
Featured Story

A Charlotte Movement to Unite All Cultures

A Charlotte Movement to Unite All Cultures By Rosanny Crumpton International Minority Coalition Founder, Willie Fleming, had a vision in 2017 to create a group of community members that would help change the negative narrative about Black and Brown communities. At the time, having experienced a term as county president for the African American Caucus of the North Carolina Democratic Party (AAC-NCDP) and freshly rolling off two terms as State president for the caucus, he felt energized to start something new and internationally inclusive.…
Charlotte Multicultural Resource Magazine

Festival of India Celebrates the History, People and Culture of India

By Angela Lindsay What started as a small one-day affair at Spirit Square in 1995 has blossomed into a sprawling weekend of vibrant sights, sounds and events. It’s Festival of India — and it’s spectacular.  At its current scale, Festival of India hosts more than one thousand participants — artists and volunteers who all play vital roles in the event’s continued success. Last…
Featured Story

Finding Home: Teens Transitioning from Homeless to Independent Living

Home: Teens Transitioning from Homeless to Independent Living By Sonja Whitemon While many young people are thinking about sports, proms and graduating, some can only think of where they will sleep at night. There are so many teens who have nowhere to go, they are living out of cars, living on the streets and couch surfing.…
Featured Story

Harvesting Humanity Inspires Youth to Solve Domestic and Global Problems

By John Burton Jr. Education-related inequity remains a concerning issue in many underserved communities. Various challenges, such as insufficient allocation of resources, limited human capital and lack of motivation, impede not only the learning outcomes of individual students but also the educational progress of the entire community.…
Featured Story

Making It Work: The Business of Art

Charlotte creatives discuss how they live and survive as artists By Alicia Benjamin Creativity takes courage. That’s what Henri Matisse, one of the most famous painters of the 20th century, said. And his contemporary and friend Pablo Picasso said, “Every child is an artist.”…