The Art of Saying “No”

By Eddie Love

Anyone that’s ever been called a “people pleaser” might find it extremely difficult to say “no”. You should never put the needs of others before your own and learn to effectively use the powerful word “no”! Here are three common scenarios where saying “no” will positively impact how others perceive you and help you build self-confidence.

My Plate Is Full

Time is one of the most valuable components of life and should always be treated as a prized possession. It’s perfectly fine to tell people “I can’t, I’m busy”. The worst thing you can do is commit to doing something and fail to follow through on the commitment. Sometimes it’s best to say “no” in order to avoid stretching yourself too thin.

Protect Your Brand

Sometimes “no” will be the best weapon against those who don’t have your best interest at heart. This is especially important when it comes to forming business partnerships. If the risk and gain is not equal for all parties involved, consider saying “no”! Also, if the other party’s moral values and vision doesn’t match that of your own, consider saying “no” and watch how things play out.

Get To the Point

Avoid saying “yes” if you can’t comprehend or audibly understand what a person is asking you. There will also be times when you’re forced to listen to a long and drawn out story that lacks a clear point. Some people are just long-winded and unintentionally over-complicate things because they’re just happy to have an audience. You can say something like this, “That’s a great question and to make sure I don’t miss anything, can you text or email me?” Try not to say “yes” on impulse because it might come back to haunt you later.

Saying “no” is truly an art and it takes a great deal of practice to master. Learn to use “no” with finesse and confidence in order to gain the respect of others and to avoid being called a “people pleaser”!

Eddie D. Love is an Author, Speaker and Life Coach.