
Pandemic! What to Do?

By Robin Fonsha We are in the midst of a very tumultuous time. In our lifetime, we’ve not seen or experienced anything like the spread of this Coronavirus. It’s no wonder we are not sure what to do! Well, the first thing to NOT do is panic or overreact.…

Reclaiming the Farm, One Crop at a Time

By Tonya Jameson Bernard Singleton wants to remove the shame from farming, and to help more African Americans reconnect with the land that was once a place of life and death for African Americans, especially in the South. Singleton, 55, is the founder of Nebedaye Farms and the Bennu Gardens Project.…
2020 January/February

Men and Depression

The opening line in Scott Peck’s “ The Road Less Traveled” says, “Life is difficult.”   The difficulties of life can produce times when we feel sad, irritable, tired, and hopeless. For many, this may result in symptoms associated with depression. The National Institute of Mental Health found that in 2017, seven percent of adults suffered with depression.…
2019 November/December

The Shaping of Black Charlotte

By Fannie Flono   Charlotte is often listed among the best places for African Americans to live and work. It placed sixth on the 2018 Forbes magazine list of cities where Blacks are doing best economically. And, with more than 13,000 Black-owned businesses, Black Enterprise has called the city a mecca for Black entrepreneurs.…
2019 November/December

Pushing Black Homeownership One Question at a Time

By Tonya Jameson At a recent Tuesday Morning Breakfast, a weekly community meeting, Winston Robinson stood up during the Q&A and asked the question. It’s the question he often asks: Do you have a specific agenda for Black people to create a more equitable Charlotte?…
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The Rundown of Things to Do: Thursday, February 6- Sunday, February 9

By: Shawn D. Allison, II   Greetings everyone! Hope you all have had a great weekend. But the weekend is here and so is The Rundown and it is chock full of cultural flyness! I will be out spreading the love to all this Sunday afternoon on the turntables at my event “Bueller’s Black Love Boogie: Vinyltine’s Day 2020” so please be sure to come through and get some of this musical magic!…
2019 September/October

Promoting the Power of Philanthropy

  By Angela Lindsay August is Black Philanthropy Month, created in August 2011 by Dr. Jackie Bouvier Copeland, co-founder of the Pan-African Women’s Philanthropy Network as an annual global celebration of African-descent giving. While these facts may be news to some, Foundation for the Carolinas (FFTC) is well aware of the occasion, and chose to observe it this year by celebrating and highlighting the work of one of its special programs that has been serving the Charlotte community for a quarter of a century.…
2019 September/October

Seniors Stay Healthy with Friends and Fitness

By Tonya Jameson Inside the community room at Greater Bethel AME Church, music blared as arms reached toward the ceiling and bodies swayed. Laugher rang out as the group’s leader called out the steps. “Push it away,” Mitchell Smith-Bey called out, “hot dogs, push it away, hamburgers, push it away.”…