2017 January/February Issue

The Festive Life: Your Guide to Outdoor Fun

By Jimese Orange   As springtime brings longer days with lots of sunshine, a festive life is here for the taking. There’s no shortage of outdoor entertainment going on just about every weekend throughout the spring, summer and fall. You might not be able to do them all, but this list will help you get started.…

The Rundown: Things to do Thursday, June 2 – Sunday, June 5

By Shawn Allison Yo! What’s going on Queen City? It is time once again for some dope events lined up to compliment this dope weather we have scheduled. So without any further hesitation, let’s just hop right into the mix! THURSDAY, June 2 Prepare your taste buds for The Art Institute of Charlotte’s  “Creative Concepts Tasting Event.”…
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The Rundown: Things to do April 7-10

What’s going on Queen City?  I’m back again with a rundown full of activities guaranteed to make your head spin!  Our city is scheduled to have some rather cool weather, so before you head out make sure you bundle up.  And without further adieu, here we go!…