2017 September/October

Why Watching Your Blood Pressure Matters

High blood pressure, or hypertension, is a common condition that can lead to serious complications such as heart attack or stroke if untreated. Many people may not even realize that they have high blood pressure, which is why the American Heart Association refers to the condition as “a silent killer.”…
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The Rundown: Things to Do Thursday, August 23 – Monday, August 28

By Shawn D. Allison, II Greetings brothers and sisters! The Black Ferris Bueller is back once more with a weekend jam-packed full of hot flavors! Bands will be blaring, speakers will be blasting and minds will be blown! Yours truly has got a lot to do this weekend and if you’re curious to know what I’ll be getting into, check my own itinerary on my “Hot List” just below.…

Let Your Complexion Be Your Color Guide

By Dwayne Collins Many people find themselves asking the question, “what colors are in this season?” The proper question to ask is, ”what colors compliment my skin complexion? ” Keep in mind ”what colors are hot this season ” come and go, but your skin complexion remains the same.…

Discovering Your True Passion

By Eddie D. Love, CPC   If you had a magic wand what would you change about your life? Who would you help with this new found freedom to do whatever you want? In order to discover what you’re truly passionate about in life, some serious soul searching must take place.…
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7 Steps To Boost Your Credit Score

By Marsha Barnes I can’t recall a single time in any of my finance dealings or client relations that the topic of credit reports hasn’t come up. How important is that magic number? EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. While this is another task to add to our personal finance plans, we cannot neglect to study it, research how we can make ours better, and understand the impact of the nuts and bolts within it.…